MLM Corporate Office Software

The hub of any successful network marketing operation.
Windows based, GUI interface for fast, efficient, user friendly operation
Distributor / Member database
Database independent for growth migrates to SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase
Runs stand-alone, peer to peer or client/server
Database applications designed to be platform independent
Administrative control and Security of access to view and change
Hierarchy / Down-line views
Inventory control
Item quantity control
low quantity warning
Item description
Wholesale, retail, volume, cost figures
Order entry
Interfaces with SEAGATE Crystal Reports Professional for unlimited customized reports
Includes 4 runtime reports
Sales Orders
Individual Distributor
Screen Cam Tutorial for training new staff and answering ongoing questions
Martech uses SYMANTEC PC Anywhere 32 for hands on link around the block or across the world
Quick Search Capability - Single character search in the following fields:
Distributor Number
Social Security
Last Name, First Name
Phone Number
Product Number
Order Number
Orphan matching
Auto fill City and State with postal-code entry
View sponsor and placement on single view
All types of Bonus structures - Binary, Matrix, Unilevel, Break-away
Auto Ship options
"What if" scenarios may be programmed for a nominal fee allowing you to run mock
commission/bonus reports and test new commissions before actually applying the payment plan
Total control of Rank and Status:
Member status, distributor status, retail status, manager status, director status

Martech Inc. reserves the right
to change any or all prices and services offered
at any time without prior notice.
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